New Jersey Basement Floor Crack Repair
Central and Northern NJ & the Jersey Shore's Trusted Foundation Crack Repair Company
Whether they’re on the windshield of your car or the floor of your basement, cracks and splits never look good. But basement floor cracks are about more than just aesthetics.
While the majority of floor cracks are non-structural and not a major cause for concern, it’s important to recognize the exceptions. This is something the experts at Blue Umbrella can help you determine. Call us today to schedule your free home inspection and floor crack repair estimate.
Have Basement Floor Cracks?
If you have basement floor cracks, we have reliable, long-lasting solutions. Schedule your free estimate!
What Causes Foundation Floor Cracks?
There is no one direct cause of foundation floor cracks. If you notice cracks on your basement floor, it can be due to one or a combination of the following factors:
- Concrete shrinkage. Concrete shrinks as it dries. If cracks appear on the floor, but the concrete was poured within a year or so, the cracks are likely due to concrete shrinkage. These are cosmetic hairline cracks that do not pose a threat to the structure of your home.
- Foundation settlement. Due to shifting soil and the heaviness of concrete, your foundation will naturally settle over time. The uneven soil can cause part of the foundation to sink and crack. If part of the floor is sinking, you’ll want to have a professional level the concrete and repair the crack to prevent water, moisture, pests and gasses such as radon from entering through the crack.
- Poor construction. Poor slab design and construction practices can cause a foundation to inevitably fail. Further down the road, a foundation repair company will have to step in and counteract the construction company’s initial oversights.
- Hydrostatic pressure. Foundations that rest on expansive soils, like clay soil, are more susceptible to hydrostatic pressure. This type of pressure is created when rain, melting snow, etc. expands the soil, causing the soil to push against the foundation.
This can lead to basement floor cracks and basement wall cracks in your New Jersey home. If hydrostatic pressure is what’s causing the cracks to develop, your best bet is waterproofing your home.
A French drain will help alleviate the pressure by directing the water into an interior trench. From there, the water will flow into the sump basin. The sump pump will then disperse the water out and away from your home.
What Are the Different Types of Foundation Floor Cracks?
Foundation floor cracks can be broken down into two basic categories: non-structural and structural. Non-structural floor cracks are those that do not compromise the structural integrity of the home.
Protecting Your Foundation's Integrity
For instance, hairline cracks that are due to concrete shrinkage. If the concrete slab was poured within the last year or so, don’t stress if small cracks appear. You can cover these cosmetic cracks with flooring designed for basements or have a foundation repair company come in and seal the cracks.
Structural cracks are what you want to look out for. These are cracks that compromise the integrity of the foundation. If you notice that a portion of your floor is rising or sinking in addition to the crack(s), you will definitely want to call a basement floor crack repair company.
Unlevel flooring means that the soil beneath the floor is absorbing water, causing the soil to expand and create so much pressure that a portion of the floor becomes raised. This ultimately destabilizes the foundation. The cracks will need to be repaired.
Do My Basement Floor Cracks Need to Be Repaired?
The only way to know for sure whether the crack is structural or non-structural is by having a professional inspect your basement floors. As mentioned previously, hairline cracks are generally not a cause for concern—especially if the concrete was poured within the past couple of years.
In fact, if hairline cracks appear very shortly after the concrete has been poured, you might want to wait a year or two to have all of the cracks repaired at once in case new ones develop.
What to Watch Out For
Here are some instances when you’ll want to have a professional come in and take a closer look at the crack(s) in question:
- The crack is accompanied by a portion of your floor that has either sunk or become raised.
- The crack is wider than ⅛ of an inch.
- There is water or moisture in your basement, and you know or suspect that moisture is seeping through the cracks.
At Blue Umbrella, we don’t believe homeowners should have to pay for answers. That’s why we offer free basement inspections to help you understand whether or not there’s a problem and, if so, what your options are for having it fixed.
How We Fix Foundation Floor Cracks
We approach basement floor crack repair the same way we do wall crack repair. That is, by correcting the root issue. There’s no point in repairing basement floor cracks if you don’t address what’s causing them in the first place.
Basement Waterproofing
Our drainage and basement waterproofing solutions go straight to the source, fixing the underlying issues that can cause cracks in your basement floor. Once the root issues are resolved, we’ll repair the cracks to prevent water, moisture, pests and radon from entering your basement. Waterproofing your basement will also prevent water from flooding through the cove joint (the area where the walls and floors meet).
Foundation Crack Stitch™
Blue Umbrella is a Platinum contractor of Fortress Stabilization Systems. Fortress is the manufacturer of industry-leading concrete reinforcement solutions for homes and businesses. To properly repair basement floor cracks, we use Crack Stitch™, one of Fortress’ revolutionary products.
Using the manufacturer’s proprietary ReGrid (Reinforcement Grid) technology, Crack Stitch offers a level of reliability and longevity that competitor products cannot match.
Crack Stitch not only permanently fixes cracks in basement floors and walls, but it can also be installed quickly.
National Foundation Repair Association Members
Blue Umbrella Waterproofing is a proud member of the National Foundation Repair Association (NFRA), an organization promoting foundation repair excellence and ethical service for over 30 years. Our membership demonstrates commitment to professionalism, honesty, and integrity, as well as an enhanced knowledge of soil conditions and industry-leading repair methods.
Choose Peace of Mind With Blue Umbrella: Your NJ Basement Crack Repair Company
If you aren’t sure whether the cracks in your basement floor are serious, we’re here to help. We’ll inspect the cracks and conduct a thorough assessment to determine what’s causing them and, more importantly, how to treat them permanently.
Don’t wait and allow a slow crack to become larger over time. Just like a crack can slowly expand across the entire windshield of your car, the same can happen with your basement floor. We’ll step in to answer all of your questions pertaining to the cracks on your floors and on your walls if they’re there, too.
Ready to get the answers you need? Request a free inspection of your New Jersey basement online or by calling Blue Umbrella Waterproofing at 908-432-8858 today.
Let Us Fix Your Foundation
Contact us today for a free inspection and no-obligation estimate for your New Jersey basement wall repair.
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