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Concrete Crack Repair With Crack Stitch

Concrete Crack Repair With Crack Stitch® In New Jersey

Foundation cracks can be dangerous, lower the value of your home, and potentially lead to extensive water damage and structural repairs if they're neglected.

At Blue Umbrella Waterproofing, we use tools and products that align with our dedication to providing high-quality and permanent solutions for homeowners and businesses across New Jersey.

As a Platinum contractor for Fortress Stabilization Solutions, we are proud to offer Crack Stitch, the strongest and most cost-effective basement crack repair solution available. To help homeowners make the most informed decisions, here’s a quick and easy breakdown of how Crack Stitch works and why it’s the #1 trusted crack repair solution in New Jersey.

Stressed About Cracks in Your Foundation?

Blue Umbrella is here for you every step of the way with custom solutions for you!

Basement floor crack

Dangers Of Foundation Wall & Floor Cracks

If you notice a crack on your foundation wall or basement floor, it’s time to act fast. Foundation cracks are a sign of a much larger issue originating from the soil outside or below your concrete. Patching or sealing the area can temporarily stop water from entering your basement but can't prevent the crack from growing, widening, or reopening.

Foundation wall cracks can lead to:

  • Water leakage
  • Musty basement smells
  • Mold
  • Bowing, tipping, and shearing basement walls
  • Damage to drywall or other wall finishings

Foundation floor cracks can lead to:

  • Pooling water
  • Flooding
  • Damaged flooring, furniture, or stored items

Other signs of foundation damage in and around your home include:

  • Sagging or dipping floors
  • Sticking windows and doors
  • Cracked drywall
  • Gaps between flooring and baseboards or walls and ceilings
  • Separating or leaning appliances, furniture, or cabinetry.
  • Separating or cracked chimney
basement crack stich repair in New Jeresy

Crack Stitch Is Your Easy Foundation Crack Solution

Crack Stitch was created by Fortress Stabilization Solutions, the same manufacturer and designer of Invisibeam. These stitches, also known as "staples," are extremely strong and prevent both wall and floor cracks from widening or re-opening, similar to how surgical staples close and hold wounds. Here’s how the Crack Stitch installation process works.

  1. First, we cut slots into the concrete, each measuring 10 inches long and less than 1 inch deep. These slots are made with a single cut, perpendicular to the crack, ensuring equal lengths on both sides.
  2. Next, we inject an adhesive, structural epoxy, into the crack once it’s cleaned of dust and debris.
  3. Lastly, we insert the stitches into the slots and smooth out the surface with a putty knife. After the epoxy cures, the crack can be filled and concealed with paint, drywall, or other finishings.

What Makes Crack Stitch The Best

Here are four reasons why Blue Umbrella Waterproofing chooses Crack Stitch as our go-to foundation crack repair solution in New Jersey.

  • Strength: Backed by hundreds of tensile strength tests, Crack Stitch is two to four times stronger than other crack repair products, such as the Crack Lock by Rhino. Each Crack Stitch contains pre-cured, ultra-high strength, and non-corrosive carbon fiber threads known as “tows”, with a tensile strength of 1,500 pounds per tow. Additionally, each stitch contains an open grid of Kevlar threads that allow an adhesive to chemically bond to the stitch and concrete and take on the stress causing the crack.
  • Efficiency: Crack Stitch costs half as much as competitive products and takes half the time to install because of its simple installation process. This reduces our material costs and labor time, ultimately lowering the expenses for homeowners.
  • Warranty: If one or multiple stitches fail for any reason, Fortress will replace the failed product at no cost and reimburse our labor to install it. No other crack repair solution on the market offers a warranty backed by both the installer and manufacturer.

Fixing Your Concrete Foundation Cracks

Thanks to its versatility, Blue Umbrella Waterproofing can install Crack Stitch on various foundation types across New Jersey, including those made from poured concrete or CMU blocks.

  • Poured Concrete Walls: Poured concrete walls are more susceptible to vertical and diagonal cracks, especially near basement windows and doors, cove joints (where two slabs meet), and I-beams.
  • Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Block Walls: CMU block walls are more prone to horizontal and stair-step cracks as external pressure, like groundwater buildup or frost heave, typically targets and cracks the weakest areas. In the case of block walls, this weakness lies in the mortar joints between blocks.

Crack Stitch/Crack Repair FAQs

  1. How big of a foundation crack is serious? We recommend addressing foundation cracks larger than 1/8th of an inch wide, including those running horizontally or in a stair-step pattern.
  2. Should I seal foundation cracks? Yes, foundation cracks should be sealed to prevent water from leaking into your basement. However, the cracked wall or floor must be stabilized from movement before the crack is sealed to prevent it from reopening.
  3. Is a cracked foundation covered by homeowners insurance? In most cases, New Jersey foundation cracks caused by settlement, groundwater buildup, or frost heave are not covered by homeowners insurance.
  4. Can I patch foundation cracks on my own? Foundation cracks caused by minor issues such as an impact from an object or concrete shrinkage can be patched using an at-home DIY kit. However, foundation cracks caused by structural and settlement issues need to be addressed by a professional crack repair expert.
  5. Is it worth repairing concrete cracks? Yes, repairing a crack in your concrete foundation restores its structural integrity and protects the value of your home.

Crack Stitch & Carbon Kevlar Straps

It’s common for New Jersey foundation cracks to accompany wall movement. For example, horizontal foundation cracks typically lead to bowing walls, while stair-step cracks can allow CMU blocks to shift out of place. To secure basement walls affected by movement and cracks, we combine Crack Stitch with Invisibeam.

Invisbeam carbon fiber straps use the same patented design as Crack Stitch and function like larger staples. Instead of going inside the concrete, we place and secure the straps against your New Jersey basement wall surface using adhesive rivets and two anchor points: one on your ground floor framing and one on your slab footer.

Like a belt, these straps secure your concrete wall in place and prevent further movement from external pressure. However, we always recommend ensuring you have a proper drainage system to prevent moisture buildup, soil expansion, and frost heaving. It’s also important to ensure your gutters and downspouts deposit rainwater at least 10 to 15 feet away from your home.

National Foundation Repair Association Members

Blue Umbrella Waterproofing is a proud member of the National Foundation Repair Association (NFRA), an organization promoting foundation repair excellence and ethical service for over 30 years. Our membership demonstrates commitment to professionalism, honesty, and integrity, as well as an enhanced knowledge of soil conditions and industry-leading repair methods.

Blue Umbrella Waterproofing National Foundation Repair Association Member in New Jersey

Call Blue Umbrella to Fix Your Basement Cracks

If you notice a foundation crack on your home or commercial building in New Jersey, contact Blue Umbrella Waterproofing today! We have more than 20 years of experience addressing both cosmetic and structural foundation cracks on various types of basements.

Additionally, we offer free estimates and inspections, so you don’t need to look through dozens of videos, blogs, or how-to guides before hearing an expert opinion. Call, fill out a form, or follow us on social media to learn more about Crack Stitch or our other New Jersey foundation repair solutions.

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