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Blue Umbrella Manufacturer Fortress Stabilization Systems Is ICC-ES Certified

Blue Umbrella uses Fortress Stabilization Systems to repair damaged foundations in homes and business properties across New Jersey. We are proud to announce that Fortress Stabilization Systems is ICC-ES certified on the carbon grid strap fiber-reinforced polymer composite system used to fix bowing, leaning, and damaged foundation walls.

The ICC-ES is the International Code Council Evaluation Service. This organization provides technical evaluations of the quality and use of building products, methods, materials, and components. An ICC-ES certification ensures that a product complies with building regulations.

Becoming ICC-ES certified requires years of testing and research. Fortress is the ONLY basement wall repair system to have earned the ICC-ES certification. The certification puts Fortress Stabilization systems far ahead of other carbon fiber products. This certification gives Fortress installers like Blue Umbrella a stamp of reliability that you won’t find with other basement waterproofing or foundation repair companies.

Certified Fortress products are recognized by every building code agency in the United States, including the local agencies in New Jersey. Having Fortress carbon fiber straps installed in your homes ensures that your carbon fiber strap foundation repair will pass a building code inspection.

When you have Fortress carbon fiber straps installed in your property by Blue Umbrella, you are receiving the best system available. In addition, if you ever choose to sell your property, you can show this certification to potential buyers and lending institutions to attest to the strength of your home’s foundation.

Steve Karlik, president, and owner of Blue Umbrella, said, “We are proud to install Fortress foundation systems in the homes of our New Jersey customers, and this new ICC-ES certification further proves that Fortress products are tried, tested, and proven to be the best foundation products available on the market.”

Learn more about the Fortress carbon fiber strap foundation repair system and how Blue Umbrella can permanently fix any leaning or bowing basement wall issues. If you need a free foundation inspection and estimate, give us a call today: 908-432-8858 or fill out the contact form.

Steve Karlik

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