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Exterior Landscape Drains

New Jersey Exterior Drainage Systems

Serving Greater Union County, Central & Northern New Jersey

A whole lot of water…and nowhere to put it. Many New Jersey homeowners understand this problem all too well. And the fact that you can’t tell where your swimming pool ends and backyard begins isn’t the only thing that’s concerning. Inadequate yard drainage also causes the majority of all residential foundation damage—a headache no homeowner wants to deal with. Luckily, there is a solution. And it all starts with an exterior drainage system: Your winning strategy for removing water!

Blue Umbrella has helped homeowners across NJ make some much-needed improvements to their drainage systems. Our philosophy is this: If you can’t stop the water from pouring down, then you need to change where it rises up—and that’s far, far, away from your home’s foundation!

Learn more about our exterior drainage system and how it can protect your home from water damage, or contact us today to speak with our waterproofing experts!

Does Your Home Need an Exterior Drainage System?

We provide free inspections and estimates so you can find out. Reach out to us today.

Signs That You Need an Exterior Drainage System

Whether you live near the coast or in an area that experiences heavy snow, all that water can take a toll on your property. Unfortunately, your existing gutters and sump pump may not have the capacity to handle such large amounts of water. Not only that but gutters and sump pumps can also be installed improperly and end up overflowing or discharging water too close to your foundation. We use high-capacity Zoeller sump pumps.

So, how do you know when your standard drainage solutions aren’t enough?

Here are the leading indicators that you should invest in a better yard drainage system:

  • Your gutters overflow during heavy rains.
  • Standing water remains in your yard 24 hours after a hard rain.
  • Trees, landscaping, and grass are yellowing in patches of your yard.
  • Mud or silt deposits on concrete slabs such as your back patio or pool deck.
  • Your basement is flooding or leaking.
  • Your foundation is experiencing moisture-related structural damage.

If you spot any of these warning signs, an exterior drainage solution from Blue Umbrella can make all the difference!

Exterior Drainage System Installation

Photos of our past work installing an exterior drainage system in New Jersey, carefully drawing water out of basements, either down to the street, away from the foundation, or out into the yard via a bubbler pot.

Put Water In Its Place With an Exterior Drainage System

After taking a good look at your home and property, we’ll tell you whether an exterior drainage system or an interior French drain system is right for you. If your home already has a decent pitch, the solution might be to install underground pipes that will redirect water away from your home and into the street.

An exterior landscape drain will work day and night to protect your foundation, your landscape, and your basement. And to top it all off, you’ll forget it’s even there! At Blue Umbrella, we design underground solutions that are virtually invisible once the work is complete.

Get Your FREE Exterior Drainage System Estimate

If you’re unsure whether an exterior drainage system is right for your home, our team will be happy to provide the answers. At Blue Umbrella, our job is to give you the greatest amount of protection at an affordable price. Bring us up to speed on what’s been happening in your home or business—and we’ll take it from there!

To request a free estimate, call Blue Umbrella Waterproofing at 908.432.8858 or contact us online today.

Does Your Home Need an Exterior Drainage System?

We provide free inspections and estimates so you can find out. Reach out to us today.

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